County News

Andiamos serves up pizza-making workshop for Milngavie Brownies

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Three Brownies stand over a table, while one Brownie in the centre rolls out her pizza dough.

1st Milngavie Brownies enjoyed a slice of the action when they received a special visit from chefs at local restaurant Andiamos. The girls were given the opportunity to learn about the art of pizza-making from the experts themselves.

The evening began with an interactive session where the Andiamos team shared their knowledge about the ingredients and techniques. The Brownies then rolled up their sleeves to make their very own pizzas.

‘Fantastic experience’

Unit leader Alison Prout said: “We are so grateful to Andiamos Milngavie for giving our Brownies such a fantastic experience. The girls had a wonderful time learning about pizza-making, and they were so proud of the pizzas they created. It’s always great when we can combine learning with a fun, hands-on activity!”

Girlguiding Dunbartonshire is recruiting new volunteers to help ensure its units across Bearsden and Milngavie can stay open. For more information, or to register, visit

A Brownie smiles while eating her pizza   A Brownie smiles while eating her pizza   A Brownie smiles while eating her pizza

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