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Helensburgh Brownies enjoy exclusive cinema screening

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A group of 18 Brownies standing in the foyer of the cinema as a group

A trip to the cinema was just ticket for Helensburgh Brownies in the countdown to Christmas.

1st, 2nd and 4th Helensburgh Brownies enjoyed a visit to Odeon Braehead at XSite last Sunday (December 10) for a special screening of new Disney film Wish, which was exclusive to Girlguiding members.

A total of 20 girls from the three units travelled to the Renfrewshire cinema by bus, joined by their leaders Aileen Baird, Claire Thomson and Bronach Hughes.

Claire, who is the leader of 4th Helensburgh Brownies, said: “It was an early start at 8am for the girls, but they soon woke up as the sun rose. They loved the bus journey and there was lots to see en route.

“When we arrived, the first thing the girls noticed was buses dropping off other units. They were amazed to see all the other Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers, who were all in uniform, just like them.

“It was a great opportunity for our girls to see that there are Brownies beyond Helensburgh.

“They soon settled into their seats in the cinema and didn’t move for the whole film, not a single question or toilet trip!”

Claire added: “Thanks to leader Aileen for organising the trip and also to the Girlguiding Helensburgh District, who made the trip possible by providing a subsidy for the bus.”

The unit, which meets at the Guide Hall in John Street every Thursday from 6pm to 7.30pm, is on the look-out for new youngsters to join their weekly gatherings.

Brownies is for girls aged seven to 10 and offers lots of fun and exciting adventures while working toward a range of different badges.

To register your child for Brownies, or for more information, visit

A group of Brownies sitting in front of a Christmas scene featuring a fire place and festive decor

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