County News

Remembrance reflection for Helensburgh Girl Guiders

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Brownies Poppy, Skye, Georgia, Caitlin, Kirsty, Melissa and Morven, Guides Heather Sweeney, Eilidh Ridshill, Cora Robertson, and Rangers Lauren Daly and Kirsty Balance with Guiders Claire Thomson, Aileen Baird and Alison Ringrose at the Remembrance Service in Helensburgh town centre

Girlguiding units paid homage to the country’s fallen heroes as they took part in the town’s Remembrance service on Sunday, November 12. 

1st, 2nd and 4th Helensburgh Brownies, 1st Helensburgh Guides and Western Division Rangers were joined by their leaders Claire Thomson, Aileen Baird and Alison Ringrose for the town centre event. 

In the lead up to Remembrance Sunday, the 4th Helensburgh Brownies took time to reflect on the significance of poppies during their unit meeting. 

The youngsters then got stuck into a craft activity – making their own poppy. 

The unit, which meets at the Guide Hall in John Street every Thursday from 6pm to 7.30pm, is on the look-out for new youngsters to join their weekly gatherings.  

Brownies is for girls aged seven to 10 and offers lots of fun and exciting adventures while working toward a range of different badges. 

In December, three Helensburgh Brownie units are visiting the cinema to see the new Disney film, Wish. 

To register your child for Brownies, or for more information, visit 

Georgia, Karis, Thora, Caris, Matilda, Tiana and Anna show off their poppy creations
Poignant artwork: From left, Georgia, Karis, Thora, Caris, Matilda, Tiana and Anna with their poppy creations

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